Thursday, April 18, 2019

Digit-al Dozen: Albums Velvet Underground

Greetings and Nailutations!

It's a Digit-al Dozen week and our prompt is albums!  Monday I did a KISS mani, Tuesday I did a David Bowie mani and yesterday I did a Peter Gabriel mani.  Today I was inspired by Andy Warhol and the Velvet Underground!

Let's get to the details!

Products Used:
China Glaze - White on White
What's Up Nails - Stamper
What's Up Nails - B008
Tonic - Apothem
Lemming Lacquer - Mr Million Miles of Fun
Bluebird Lacquer - Nothing Else Matters (Press Sample)

Andy Warhol created the album cover of this iconic image.  I was channelling my inner artist with this one.  LOL!

I hope you enjoyed this mani!  Be sure to check out the others below!

Kristi aka BeginNails
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  1. Cute nail art and I'm eating banana at the moment, so timely!

  2. Love that you were inspired by the Velvet Underground & their logo! RIP Lou and Andy

  3. On a different topic, I got a semi scary message on this post that is saying "cookies disabled, click here to continue" I didn't click and my comment was published anyway. Wondering if the message is from your site or something else?

  4. I'm not familiar with the album but I think the bananas are cute.

  5. That banana is adorbs. I love that you know who the Velvet Underground even is!

  6. The bananas are so adorable! What a cute manicure!

  7. Your stamping is SO crisp! I feel like this is totally up The Daily Nail's alley!


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