Friday, December 30, 2016

12 Day of Polish Giveaway: Day 12 Drip Drop Nail Paint "Hubby's Picks"

Greetings and Nailutations,

Today is the last of the 12 Days of Polish Giveaway!  And the prize are polishes that my husband purchased on Black Friday.  He went crazy (and so did I) and picked up 7 polishes from Drip Drop Nail Paint.
Sleighin' It (red glitter jelly)
Happy Dance (pink holographic glitter bomb)
Valley Girl (pink glitter crelly)
Tighty Whities (white creme)
That's A Wrap (white glitter crelly)
Below Zero (blue-lavender creme)
Black Friday 2016 (mystery!)

Must be 18+, US only when the prizes contain polish.  There will be 1 international prize.  I am not responsible for the prizes once they leave my possession.  Prizes will ship a few days after each giveaway ends.  Winners will be contacted through email & displayed on this post through the rafflecopter widget.


  1. I bought some neons and stamping plates. I didn't go crazy because I was broke.

  2. Last year, I went a lil too crazy on spending polishes on Black Friday. So, this year I kept it small only buying from 4 indies. 2 of which were new to me - Vapid Lacquer and Illyrian Polish. Other than polish, I bought a few video games and a router.

    1. My first BF I went insane and that is when my huge pile of untrieds started. I'm still trying to recover and it's 3 years later! haha

  3. I haven't been buying much polish, in the last year. I've been doing a lot of stash diving and enjoying what I have. I think that I want to integrate more polish posts back into my blog.

  4. I was in dire need of a wardrobe update so I purchased mainly clothes and shoes on Black Friday this year.

    (Rosie A)

  5. I'm on a buy bad so no new polishes for some time

  6. I haven't bought a nail polish in SO long, but lipsticks keep on coming home...

  7. I managed not to buy anything for Black Friday even tho I was in the states for it. I always imagined I'd want to take part in it if I had the opportunity but I decided to skip the madness & see what if anything online was worth trying for. There wasn't anything I had to have tho

    1. Sadly BF is like a holiday for us over here. Commercialism at its best.

  8. I didn't buy anything on Black Friday. My poor finances are still in recovery mode from a really rough 2 years + a very sick kitty last year. Hopefully next year, I can go polish crazy!

    1. Poor kitty. I hear you though, our little fur babies are the world to us. <3

  9. Ha, that's cute that the hubby went a little crazy too. I didn't really buy anything this black friday - which I enjoyed... means, no stress for me ;)

  10. Replies
    1. I hear you list was long, with times & codes....LOL.

  11. I did good this year. I may have purchased 2 bottles all year.

  12. I didn't get no items for Black Friday, I didn't get nothing for Christmas. So I didn't go crazy shopping for myself. I haven't gone crazy shopping for myself in such a longggggg time. I have no money to shop for myself �� Hopefully I have some luck and could win something awesome.

  13. I didn't go too crazy on Black Friday. I bought a few makeup items but that was it!

    1. your post about sephora sucked me in! LOL - I picked up a few things I wanted.

  14. This is the first year that we didn't over spend because we just purchased our first house. However, we did buy a outdoor patio furniture set for the new house 😀. It was a great deal!

  15. I did a little bit of damage, ordered some plates from bmc, Uc and AliExpress also some polish from serendipity and nail charms from nailart elegance...thats only my nail related BF haul!🤣

    1. I don't think I picked up any nail art items - I still haven't tried BM plates yet.

  16. No I wasn't able to buy anything as I was on vacation. �� Hopefully next year. Ahaha!

  17. I didn't go crazy as I didn't have the funds this year but I did get a couple things from Sephora.

    1. I hit sephora as well - they had some really good deals.

  18. I only got one small makeup item on Black Friday, but I've been shopping the post-Christmas sales for books.

    1. Post Christmas sales are great too. I got a bunch of new lights for the house for next year and some new ornaments. :) The hubby got some books too!

  19. Pretty cute that your hubby is behind this giveaway!

  20. Finges crossed for this one HAPPY New Year and many blessings!

  21. I didn't do any black friday shopping..took the year off this year, haha!

  22. I wasn't able to get anything on Black Friday. Didn't bother me though. I may have missed out on a lot, but we needed to save for the holidays.

  23. I didn't get anything on black friday - the christmas shopping was done already so that was great!
    ALONA Y.

  24. I love this indie brand. Happy New Year

  25. The only thing I bought on black Friday was a new tablet

  26. Bummed I missed this giveaway, but happy new year!!

  27. That's nice of your husband to participate!

  28. So excited to try these beauties out!!!! ������

  29. This was such an amazing giveaway you held, congratulations to the winner x


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