
Thursday, April 13, 2017

Digit-al Dozen: Get To Know My Cats!

Greetings and Nailutations,

It is Day 4 of the Digit-al Dozen Get To Know Me prompt and today I was inspired by my furry children!  My husband and I have 2 orange ginger tabbies Henry (Hen) and Buzz (Buzzy).  They both have completely different personalities and meows.

Henry - easy going, calm, patient and his meow is very high pitched
Buzzy - anxious, pestering little brother (picture...I'm not touching you...I'm not touching you), goofy and his meow is more of a chirp.

Both were rescues, where Henry was retrieved from a hoarder and Buzz was a previous feral cat that was young enough to be introduced to humans as potential pet material.

I'll have photos of the boys at the bottom, but first the mani!

Products used:
Drip Drop Nail Paint - Yoga Pants
Jenna Hipp - Jenna and the Giant Peach
MPolishes - Hottie
Clear Jelly Stamper - stamper (press sample)
Cuticula - scented nail tape (press sample)
Vivid Lacquer - VL027
SuperChic Lacquer - Marvel Liquid Macro Top Coat

I started with 1 coat of Yoga Pants and then double stamped with VL027 with both Jenna and the Giant Peach and then Hottie on top.  Everything is topped with a shiny top coat.

And here are the 2 boys!  Henry has the serious inquisitive face and Buzzy has the goofy confused look.


Buzzy: (he was playing peek a boo in the bed covers)

Do you have any fur members of the family?

Happy Polishing,
Kristi aka BeginNails


  1. Your nail art is cute! And so are your two orange boys.

    I have a cat, an orange tabby named Marley. Spoiled rotten, runs the joint with an iron paw. lol

    1. LOL! Orange tabbies are the best! They are so fun! I love the name!

  2. Doh so cute. Is buzzy named after your love of bees? Currently have no pets :( but I did growing up.

    1. Actually when I adopted him, he name was Buzz - it was just too perfect so I had to get him. :)

  3. Aw, so cute! Cats are my favorite, but I haven't had one since my kitty passed last summer. I've been thinking adopting one but it hasn't been the right time; instead I keep drooling over pictures in my local shelters Facebook feed! Ha ha your kitties are adorable. :)

    1. Awww, I'm sorry. Losing a pet is hard. Henry's litter brother Crash we lost last summer as well - cancer. :( It was hardest to see Henry going around the house looking for him.

  4. Such a beautiful kitty mani! Yeah, we have 2 cats and a pup. Love them all, but they're a pain in the ass sometimes. haha

    1. Right? But their cute faces make up for it. :)

  5. Cutie! Love how so many are going cat manis! I should of done an animal one but didn't even think about it till now!

  6. Love these! Keep up with the kitty mani's!

  7. Your kitties are adorable! I love that so many of us did cat nails this week, lol!

  8. Your cats are so cute!! I've been debating adopting a cat, but I haven't made up my mind yet. Your nails are lovely too!

    1. One of the best decisions I made! Now it's ok when I talk to myself because I'm really talking to my cat. hah!


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