
Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Digit-al Dozen: Get To Know Honey Honey

Greetings and Nailutations,

It is Day 3 of Get To Know Me for the Digit-al Dozen and I figured I would post about something that I collect, love and respect.  BEES!!!  It all started when I was a child - my grandfather nick named me "Honey Honey" and from there, I seemed to be attracted to bees.  I got my first sting because as a toddler, I wanted to pet the furry insects.  OOPS!  (Lesson learned.)  My attraction continue through grade school and when I reached high school I had to do a "senior project" which entailed a paper, poster and presentation.  I decided to jump into beekeeping.  It was one of the coolest experiences I have ever done working with a local beekeeper in Washington state.  I even continued the obsession into my wedding and it was bee themed.

Now let's get to the mani!

Products used:
Drip Drop Nail Paint - Summer Prototype #01, Yoga Pants
Winstonia - W113, WW202 plates
Easy Peel - Liquid Latex
Clear Jelly Stamper - stamper (press sample)
Simply Spoiled - nail art pen
SuperChic Lacquer - Marvel Liquid Macro Top Coat

I started with a bright yellow prototype from Drip Drop and stamped using Yoga Pants and some adorable bee images on 2 Winstonia plates.  I added stripes on one nail and topped it all with a shiny top coat.  I love how this turned out and need to do more bee related manis.

I'll also share my wedding cake topper before it was placed on top of the cake - bee themed of course!  :)  Are you  bee lover?  They are truly a precious resource that do so much (without pollination we would have nothing).

Happy buzzing,
Kristi aka BeginNails


  1. Yeah! More bee manis! I've thought about bee keeping before, but I can only be responsible for life that can walk up to me and demand to be fed. It's so cool that you are doing it. 🐝

  2. Beautiful mani and that cake topper is just too freaking cute! I had a local indie who made a fabulous hand bar lotion and cuticle balm from beeswax and I loved them. They no longer carry the items, unfortunately.

  3. Your cake topper is adorable!! Such a fun manicure to show your love of bees.

  4. Such a cute mistake to try and pet them!
    Bees are great but I try to keep a safe distance from them! :)

    1. My dad also stays away since he is allergic to them.

  5. That is so neat! Plus the topper is adorable! Love how you shared this fun fact!

  6. that cake topper is adorable. My topper was so boring :/

    1. Etsy and pinterest were a source of inspiration. My hubby even had honeycomb pattern tie for him and all the men in the wedding. :)

  7. I love the little history and your cake topper is the cutest!

  8. Oh my goodness, I love your inspiration/wedding cake topper! how cute and different!

  9. Aww these nails are so cute! Your cake topper is adorable too!

  10. What a great design and your cake topper is so cute!

  11. I love this. Such a cheery way to polish a yellow


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