
Friday, February 26, 2021

March Polish Pick Up: Music City Beauty Sparkle and Shine

Greetings and Nailutations,

*Press Sample*
Today I have the contribution from Music City Beauty's March Polish Pick Up!  March's theme is Birds, Bees, and Butterflies and Kim of Music City Beauty was inspired by the Sparkle Violetear.

Let's get to the details!

Polish: Sparkle and Shine
Cap: 100
Price: $11.50
Brand Description: teal jelly and purple to green color shifting shimmer with a touch of holo

Sparkle and Shine is a teal shimmery polish that applied easily in 2 coats.  The little holo sparkles subtly in the macro.   

I added some other "sparkle and shine" to it in the form of nail art with some holo flakies and diamond stamping!

Loves:  Great spring time shade that will defrost your winter blues!  

Wishes: If you are wanting this, you are going to have to be quick because there are only 100 available!

As a reminder - all Polish Pick Up products can be purchase on their website March 5th - 8th.  Everything is $3 flat rate shipping.  Join their Facebook Group to find out all the details!

Music City Beauty

Kristi aka BeginNails
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  1. Ooh talk about having to have fast fingers to get in that 100 cap! I've always loved these teals.

  2. I would love to see the shift in person coz I love the teal jelly. It provides a great background to your stamp, too


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