
Wednesday, February 24, 2021

March Indie Pick Up: Red Eyed Lacquer Da Balm-er Butterfly Kisses

 Greetings and Nailutations!

*Press sample*
We are quickly approaching Polish Pick Up/Indie Pick Up time!  The theme for Polish Pick Up this month is Birds, Bees, and Butterflies.  How perfect is that?  I expect lots of color and fresh fruity and floral scents! Today I am pleased to share with you one of those scents in Red Eyed Lacquer's signature Da Balm-er!

Let's get to more details!

Name: Butterfly Kisses Da-Balmer
Cap: 100
Price: $7.50
Brand Description:  Peach Magnolia Raspberry

Butterfly Kisses has a perfect blend of fruit with a touch of floral.  For those that haven't tried Da Balm-er, it is a blend of butters and oils to keep you moisturized.  I use it between swatching and it can also go on any extra dry areas you may have (I also use it on my thumb joints - they always seem to get beat up and dry and my elbows!)  This month Da Balm-er is back - and the cap is even larger than the previous month because this product sells out within the first hour!

Loves:  This is the perfect spring scent.  I am a huge fan of raspberry and peach scents (and flavor), so this will be used up quickly....(I may have to be quick to pick up a back up!).

Wishes:  Would love this scent in her hair oil Tamesies for a touch of Spring scent!  

As a reminder - all Polish/Indie Pick Up products can be purchase on their website March 5th - 8th.  Everything is $3 flat rate shipping.  Join their Facebook Group to find out all the details!

Red Eyed Lacquer

Kristi aka BeginNails
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  1. Another PPU? I can't wait. This sounds like an unusual pairing - a delicious one for sure.

  2. I didn't realize that shipping was so cheap! I hadn't tried a balm like this in a long time and need to get back to some moisturizer!

  3. Wintertime in New England means its time for a moisturizer— this looks like it might be the perfect one!

  4. The scent just sounds lovely! Even though I live in Alabama, the cooler months really dries my skin out so I will have to give them a try.


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