
Monday, February 1, 2021

February Indie Pick Up: Red Eyed Lacquer Da Balm-er (Mount) Halla Back Y'all

 Greetings and Nailutations!

*Press sample*
We are quickly approaching Polish Pick Up/Indie Pick Up time!  To me, I feel the excitement - especially on the products that have caps.  This month's theme of World Travels is taking us to South Korea, where Bianca was inspired by Mount Halla.  

Let's get to more details!

Name: (Mount) Halla Back Y'all Da-Balmer
Cap: 65
Price: $7.50
Brand Description:  clean and fresh with tropical fruits and sugared citrus notes

For those that haven't tried Da Balm-er, it is a blend of butters and oils to keep you moisturized.  I use it between swatching and it can also go on any extra dry areas you may have (I also use it on my thumb joints - they always seem to get beat up and dry.)  This month Da Balm-er is back with an increased cap because it always sells out in a fruity and clean scent.  

Loves:  Great scent - one I will save for the summer heat.  And I'll re-iterate that this product has changed my swatching game.

Wishes:  I hope you are fast if you want this one!

As a reminder - all Polish/Indie Pick Up products can be purchase on their website January 1st - 4th.  Everything is $3 flat rate shipping.  Join their Facebook Group to find out all the details!

Red Eyed Lacquer

Kristi aka BeginNails
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