
Friday, February 14, 2020

Digit-al Dozen: Cocktails My True Love

Greetings and Nailutations,

It is the last and final day of the Digit-al Dozen prompt cocktails and I had to go with my first true love (I mean it is Valentine's Day after all right?).  WINE!  :)  I love me some right back, going to go pour myself a glass.

Products used:
Picture Polish - Wine (acquired from Whats Up Nails), employee discount
O.P.I. Product - Tiramisu
It Girl Nail Art - IG 112 (press sample), Current
Whats Up Nails - Clear Jumbo Stamper, employee discount
Painted Polish - Blanc Slate
My Dream Polish - Gem Block Liquid Latex
Glisten and Glow - Top Coat (press sample)

Not much to tell about this look - it's obviously amazing since it's Wine!  LOL

Are you a wine drinker?  Do you prefer red or white?

Kristi aka BeginNails
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  1. It's too bad not more people linked up because these are beautiful nails and a fun design. Wine and hearts go together beautifully.

  2. This design is so cute! I do enjoy wine although I'm all over the place in what I like. I'm usually a fan of Malbecs and Reislings- so red and white!


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