
Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Red Eyed Lacquer's Indieversary Trio

Greetings and Nailutations,

Press Sample
Today I am sharing the Indieversary Trio inspired by Star Wars from Red Eyed Lacquer.  Bianca's Indieversary and the release of the new movie are a week apart, so she deemed it a perfect match!  I agree!

Let's get to the details!

Price: $25 for all 3, or you can purchase them separately

First polish of the trio is The Force.  This is Bianca's first creme and let me tell you - it's amazing!  It applied like butter and self leveled.  It is a gorgeous dusty blue gray creme and it is a 1 coater.  My photos show 2 easy coats with glossy top coat.  This polish is $8.50 individually.  Oh...and there is something special that this baby does...scroll down!

It STAAAAAAMMMMPPPPPSSS!!!  Yep, that is right - this creme stamps!

Next is One Last Look At My Friends, an orange copper sparkle polish with orange shimmer and champagne crystal flakies.  This polish is inspired by C3PO and will be $10.  This polish is on the sheer side and photos show 3 coats with glossy top coat.

I also had to mattify it and WOAH - Love it matte!

Oh and this polish works as a fun topper too!  1 coat over black.

The last polish is a fun thermal called Thermal Detonator.  I have been wearing this the last 3 days and love the natural french tip I'm getting at work.  This polish is a blue pink when warm and purple when cold thermal with green/teal aurora shimmer.  It will be $11 on it's own.

Loves:  I love that each polish is a different finish - so there is something for everyone.  I also LOVE thermals and Thermal Detonator is a winner - check out those macros!!!  I also love that the creme stamps too!!

Wishes: I wouldn't change anything with this trio.  I do wish that there are more cremes to come - especially if they stamp!

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Kristi aka BeginNails
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  1. That gray shade though!! Beautiful 😍

  2. The top dusty blue is so unusual. With all the nail polishes I have that would be completely unique for me.

  3. That's a gorgeous thermal! I like both shift colors.

  4. I LOVE the way One Last Look At My Friends looks as a topper!!

  5. My fave is the thermal, it’s so unique. I should try it

  6. really love how she labeled the thermal! makes it so much easier when looking for a thermal in a collection!

  7. Oh that grey creme is gorgeous! And I love that it stamps.


  8. Thank you so much for sharing this awesome info!

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