
Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Dark Horse Lacquer TWD Memorable Quotes Part 1 Collection

Greetings and Nailutations!

*Press sample*
Any Walking Dead fans here?  Dark Horse Lacquer has created TWD Memorable Quotes Part 1 Colletions.  That's right, expect more to come!  The collection consists of 6 polishes with different finishes and quotes that made me chuckle.  I'll be honest - I'm a chicken, I've never watched TWD, but some of these quotes, I want to see the scenes as long as nothing scary is shown.  HAHA  I'm a chicken!

Let's get to the swatches!
Photos heavy post, photos show in filtered light and LED.

First up is "It's NOT going to be ok!" said by Neagan and is described as a slightly shimmery gunmetal grey shimmer polish with metallic red flakes.  Photos show 2 coats with glossy top coat.  You will need a top coat as the flakes have the possibility of sitting above the surface of the polish.

Next is "Better to beg forgiveness, than to ask permission." said by Simon and is an olive green jelly base with blue, green and orange matte glitters as well as metallic red flakies.  Photos show 2 coats with glossy top coat.  The maker made notes to mentioned this one needs a good base coat as it may stain.

And with matte finish.

Then we have "I ain't nobody's bitch." said by Daryl and is described as an orange base with orange glitters and green-blue-purple chameleon shimmer.  I was able to pick up the green shimmer in my photos.  Photos show 3 coats with glossy top coat.

"Look at the flowers." is said by Carol and is a semi-metallic medium pink.  Photos show 3 coats with glossy top coat.

My favorite of the collection (because must have all the purples) is "And yet, I smile." said by Ezekiel.  It is described as a slightly metallic purple filled with holo and red metallic flakies.  Photos show 2 coats with glossy top coat.

The last polish of the collection is "I am indeed, a smarty pants." said by Eugene and it is a multi chrome yellow gold-orange-red base with orange glitters and metallic red flakies.  Photos show 2 coats with glossy top coat.

I here is a nail art sneak peek!

Loves: I really love the finish on "And yet, I smile" and "I ain't nobody's bitch" because anything with holo always gets me smiling.  :)

Wishes:  I was going to wish for the collection expands to more shades of shimmer (gold, silver, purple, orange, neons?)....and guess what, a purple one has been created!  Score!

Do you watch TWD?  Have any favorites from this collection?

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Kristi aka BeginNails
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  1. I have to agree that Purple is my favorite too! Super pretty!

  2. I’m totally digging the inspiration behind the collection!

  3. The purple one is my favorite!!! I’d wear it

  4. These are definitely memorable quotes from the show!!

  5. These are such good autumn shades, the first 3 especially!

  6. I'm really feeling "Better to beg forgiveness, than to ask permission." I think it's the pumpkin patch vibe it's giving off that is is pulling me in right now.

  7. Oh wow, those red flakies in the black polish are so beautiful!

  8. The purple is the best. There are so many great fall shades though.


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