
Friday, July 27, 2018

BeginNails Tip: Top Coat Smear Your Nail Art? I Found A Solution!

Greetings and Nailutations!

Let me set up the scene for just spent 45 minutes creating some amazing nail art.  You let it dry and select a top coat.  You use 1 brush stroke and F&$K....$#!T...DA^%IT!!!  SMEARED!!  GRRRRR (yes, I growl when I'm angry....I get all HULK).  If this sounds familiar and the image below is something you see....

Keep reading and I'll tell you my hack!  The above photo is the same top coat on each finger, just 1 thing is different!

I've been doing nail art for about 6 years now and there were some top coats that seemed to be kinder to my nail art than others.  I would hear people say one top coat works better for nail art than others....and I thought to myself....WHY though?  I'm an engineer - I need to understand things, it's the nerd in me.

Things I've tried that never worked:
  • floating the brush over the nail
  • making sure to get a large "ball" of top coat
  • let the nail art completely dry

None of these things worked.  Then it hit me...what if I grab the brush of the "non-smear" top coat and try it in the "smear" top coat.  BAM!  SUCCESS!  The brush was the answer!!  Luckily for me the brush/cap fits in each, so I can keep using the brushes that work best for me.

Now let's look into WHY THE BRUSH?  The black brush - the bristles are stiffer, notice how they spread in the bottle.  The lighter brush - the bristles are softer and bend easier.  Stiffer bristles will smear your nail art!  So for the last few months I have been strictly using 1 brands' brushes with different top coats.  

Note: this worked for me, depending on how you apply top coat, another brush may be your answer.  Let me know in the comments what brush and/or top coat works best for you for nail art and let me know if you tried this and if it worked!

I hope this tip helps!

Kristi aka BeginNails
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  1. I totally agree that the brush plays a major roll in smearing! I found my go to top coat and I decant it into the bottle with the brush that is my fav!

  2. That's awesome hack. I'm no good in nail art but this still comes in handy!

  3. Great tip if I ever do nail art.

  4. I've actually done this before but not with topcoat! I had a brand of nail polish that the brush just SUCKED on and I was just going to toss the whole kit and kaboodle BUT I decided to try a different brands brush first. I cleaned it off and then used it in the bottle with the bad brush and the formula was AMAZING.

  5. I've had this happen with an INM top coat, all I had to do with grab an old Seche brush and change it out and it was perfect as a top coat other than the wonky brush that came in it!

  6. I literally have screamed over smearing haha. I’m all about the floating!

  7. GET OUT!! You're a genius!!! I expected some type of chemical explanation, but dude, this is so much simpler. The brush!! (I may have chuckled a little when I read the option of letting the nail art dry - haha, that's NOT going to happen, lol)

  8. Not gonna lie, I never really considered the brush was the issue I have had all these years. I definitely need to try your tip!

  9. I didn't even think about the brush but this makes total sense! Now I need to go experiment in my house.

  10. I am so bad at smearing! I don't do nail art often so if I mess it up I am always extra bummed.

  11. I found that Unt peel off base coat will not smear nail art, no matter how thinly you apply it! When it's dry, just add your normal top coat for a high shine, or leave it as is for less reflection in photogaphing. Diana D. Ig@nailcraftaddict


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