
Wednesday, June 6, 2018

3 Melties: Ginger Fizz Boutique

Greetings and Waxutations  (See what I did there?)

*Press Samples*
I'm working wax melts into my blog and I may be playing around with the format/layout for a bit until I decide on what works for me.  :)  Today I'm sharing 3 wax melts I've recently melted from Ginger Fizz Boutique.  She sent me so many goodies and then another package arrived in the last week too (and we won't talk about what I bought from her - haha)!  I am going to be a melting fiend!

Let's get to the melty details!
The first wax I melted was Deep In The <3 Of TX - which debuted at The Indie Shop Last year in October (I was there!)  I had this scent in my VIP bag too but didn't have a melter at that time.  It has a blue and red stacked coloring with a sprinkling of glitter on top.

Cold Sniff:  Clean fruit with a note of sweetness
Hot Sniff:  Strong fruit with a slight hint of sweetness.  The slight sugary scent rounds out the clean fruit.
Throw:  8/10 - the main living area was engulfed in a sweet fruity scent
Size:  2 oz shot, used 1/4 of it
Equipment:  24W ceramic wide dish hot plate
Availability:  In stock
Cost:  $2
Purchase Again/Melt Again: I most definitely will melt again - this is a perfect summer scent!
BONUS!  I have a wax melt video for this one on my YouTube!

The next wax I melted was Pineapple Express.  I opened this one and expected a pineapple scent and was caught off guard with no pineapple.  I was disappointed for exactly 0.5 seconds until I inhaled the sweet scent that is Pineapple Express.  It has yellow and light pink stacked coloring with a sprinkling of glitter.

Cold Sniff:  Citrus baked good - I struggle telling the difference between lemon and lime.  It is described as key lime pie with fizzy soda fragrance
Hot Sniff:  I'll be honest - all I picked up was a delicious lemon cake - but it is because I love lemon cake.  My husband was LOVING it.  He kept asking for it to be turned on and then wanted to run to the store for a lemon cake.  :)
Throw:  9/10 - most of the entire house was filled with the scrumptious scent of a citrus baked pie or cake and I was completely ok with that.
Size:  3 oz clamshell, used 1/3 of it
Equipment:  24W ceramic wide dish hot plate
Availability:  In stock
Cost:  $4
Purchase Again/Melt Again: I am a huge fan of baked goods and heck yes, this will be dug out in the future to finish off (if not by the hubby first).

The last wax I melted is called A Singer In A Smokey Room.  Loving the name - who doesn't love a little Journey?  It is a pretty lilac with deep purple raspberry shapes embedded.

Cold Sniff:  soft raspberry
Hot Sniff:  Delicate raspberry with a soft creaminess.  It is described as black raspberry vanilla
Throw:  5/10 - this sent didn't travel as far as the other two above and stayed just in the kitchen with a few scent tendrils reaching the living room.
Size:  2 oz shot, used 1/4 of it
Equipment:  24W ceramic wide dish hot plate
Availability:  In stock
Cost:  $2
Purchase Again/Melt Again: For me, this one was a great nose palette cleanser as the 2 previous scents were very strong in throw.  For those that may be sensitive to strong scents - this is perfect!

Kristi aka BeginNails
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  1. I love the brand name, Gin Fizz ❤️ I have never used a wax melt, but I would love to smell Pineapple Express

    1. It was a good option to avoid candles (fire & curious cats don't mix well). :)

  2. I've been meaning to try wax melt. I should really try it soon

    1. It's like changing your perfume. It's the perfume of the house. haha

  3. The raspberry one sounds incredible!

    1. YES! I was a big fan - I love raspberry vanilla scented body sprays too!

  4. OK all of these sound amazing and totally melt worthy! Currently sitting in kitchen and working and totally wish one of these were melting!

  5. I've never used a wax melt but they sound appealing. I like Pineapple Express the best of your descriptions.

  6. Your descriptions are making me hungry! Now I need some pie!

    1. Yah, I'm wondering if baked good ones are going to make me eat more. HAHA

  7. Wax melts are really cool and do have a scent that lasts a long time. I broke my burner, might be time for a new one.

    1. OH NO! I have too many. LOL (a seasonal one, a vintage looking one I'm scared to use, a teeny one, 2 plug in wall ones and 2 hot plate ones). I need to spread them out around the house, right now half are still boxed up, since I was rotating them around.

  8. These sound great, glad that they have a lasting scent.


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