
Friday, December 15, 2017

Digit-al Dozen: A Snow Scene Is In My Home

Greetings and Nailutations,

It is the final day of Digit-al Dozen week for December and for 2017 for that matter and the theme has been My Home.  Since it's near Christmas you have been seeing manis inspired by my Christmas tree ornaments - because the tree is in my home!  :)  Today's ornament is a new one from last year.  When my husband and I got married we decided to purchase a "fancy" ornament each year (usually we purchase it after Christmas so we can get the sale).  Fancy means glass, crystal, ceramic, with beautiful artistic imagery.  This is one of our Wedgwood ornaments and one of my recent favorites.

Let's get to the details!

Products used:
Sally Hansen - Sugar Fix
Simply Spoiled - Nail Art Pens
Heather's Hues - Heart of the Matter

I started with a swatch of Sugar Fix, which is such a lovely blue and matched the ornament almost exactly!

Then I added Heart of the Matter to get the matte feel of the ornament.

I wanted to get a textured 3D feel, just like the ornament, so I used a while nail art pen to build up the snow scenes.

I hope you have enjoyed the week of manis inspired by my ornaments on my tree.  Be sure to check out other manis below from the Digit-al Dozen!

Happy Holidays!
Kristi aka BeginNails
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  1. Wow, that ornament is stunning, and you did such an amazing job recreating it. Love the dimension. :)

  2. you have amazing nail art skills. these are so pretty!!!

  3. This design is so perfectly executed! It's a great match with your ornament!

  4. A perfect match! You're so talented!

  5. They match so well! I’ve loved your interpretation this week! These are so fun!

  6. These turned out perfect! They match so well

  7. Ohhhh this is so coooool! Wow I'm so impressed lady!

  8. You have these INCREDIBLY pretty ornaments! I'm jealous - all mine are tat, and we broke all the glass ones as kids. I love your perfect Wedgwood mani! Why isn't this a "thing", like broken glass manis or Burberry nails?

  9. Beautiful. Such gorgeous nails and they are so awesome and match well.

  10. That is an absolutely gorgeous ornament - and your nails match it perfectly!

  11. You did such a good job creating texture. I love how this turned out!

  12. These have all been amazing but this one is so beautiful. The base is gorgeous and I absolutely love the 3D feels!

  13. This might be your best execution so far! Certainly my favorite one!!!

  14. I envy how creative you are, these are stunning!

  15. Another perfect pairing of ornament and nails!! Well done!

  16. Wow! You did an awesome job! 3D too!

  17. You have so many amazing ornaments! And the nail art you did is perfect.


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