
Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Digit-al Dozen: Futuristic Avatar

Greetings and Nailutations,

We are onto day 3 of the Digit-al Dozen continuing with our Futuristic prompt.  Another movie that popped into my head was the one with the blue critters...  SMURFS?!  NO!  I thought of Avatar.  The 3+ hour feature film that was amazing, yet really long.  I googled a few images and decided to make a mani based on their skin patterns.

Let's get to the details!

Products used:
Clear Jelly Stamper - Big Bling Stamper (press sample)
Jenna Hipp - I Surf With Boys
Polish 'M - Small Batch #11, Lemonade
Winstonia - W203 Plate
Heather's Hues - Heart of the Matter
Cuticula - Scented Nail Tape

I started with a base of I Surf With Boys and stamped with Small Batch #11.  I added little dots of white and then over the white, I used Lemonade to make the yellow pop.  I topped it all off with Heart of the Matter.

I hope you liked my Avatar inspired mani!  Have you seen the movie?  Did you know they are coming out with a sequel?  Are you looking forward to it?

Happy Polishing,
Kristi aka BeginNails
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Be sure to check out the other Futuristic manis below!


  1. I think Avatar was the first movie I ever saw in 3D, so that's the main thing I remember it for! It was visually spectacular! Love your nail art interpretation :)

  2. My husband liked Avatar so much that we saw it twice. This is a great adaption.

  3. I like your interpretation of the theme.

  4. Simple interpretation but still cute to look at!

  5. What a fun way to do Avatar nails! They are great!

  6. That's a really cute mani. Love the colors!

  7. It kind of has a Little Mermaid/Under the Sea vibe!

  8. I haven’t seen avatar cause I’m just so not interested haha but this looks cool!

  9. I have never seen Avatar, but I like how the mani turned out!

  10. Another great futuristic manicure! But I do think more of the sea than Avatar ;)

  11. Loving these 😍 the colours work really well together x

  12. The dots are the perfect touch! Love it.


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