
Monday, September 11, 2017

Digit-al Dozen: 5th "Bee-Day" Celebration

Greetings and Nailutations,

It is a Digit-al Dozen week and we were challenged with the prompt "5th Birthday."  Yes, that is right - the Digit-al Dozen is turning 5 this month.  The prompt was very challenging and I tried my best to tackle manis with themes of birthday and 5.

Let's get to the details!

Products used:
Leesha's Lacquer - Tequila Sunrise (Polish Pickup Pack)
Ever After Polish - Black Magic (press sample)
Polish 'M - Lemonade (press sample)
Glisten and Glow - Top Coat and Base Coat (press sample)
Ellagee Polish - Lickity Split Latex Mani Mask (press sample)
Winstonia - W113 Plate
What's Up Nails - Creative Shop Stamper
Clear Jelly Stamper - Big Bling Stamper (press sample)
UberChic - 5-01 Plate

I started with Tequila Sunrise, which I was a little bummed about when I put it on.  Why?  Because it is/was supposed to be a thermal.  Lesson learned - Kristi don't purchase thermals in the heat of summer.  I stamped using Black Magic and the Creative Shop Stamper using W113 plate (it has finer lines and likes squishy marshmallow stampers better).  As I let that dry, I stamped bees on my Clear Jelly Stamper and colored it in with Lemonade and a generic white.  I topped my nails with Yellow Stopper and let it dry to tackiness and stamped my color bees on!  Everything is topped with Glisten and Glow Top Coat.

For those that know me, know that I love bees, so this is my Bee-Day Celebration mani and wouldn't you know it...I have 5 bees on it too!  :)

Be sure to check out the other 5th Celebration manis below!

Happy Polishing,
Kristi aka BeginNails


  1. Bee-Day Celebration is seriously the cutest little saying ever! Gah, I'm so in love with this<3

  2. Those are the happiest bees I've ever seen. How cute even if my 5 year old is afraid of bees.

  3. Your nails are sooo kyoot! I love your happy bees.

  4. Love how this came out! I've always wanted to do a Bee mani but it just doesn't come out right,

  5. Bee Day. Hah that's so flipping cute.

  6. Love those cute little bees! And that's a fun interpretation of the theme :)

  7. I love love love this manicure! It just makes me smile looking at it!!

  8. Squeee! How adorable are those bees?!? Amazing stamping - they look like nail stickers!

  9. Your bees are the cutest!! I imagine that all bumble bees look like that =)

  10. How cute! Plus perfect play on words!!!

  11. This is adorable! The base shade looks exactly like honey.

  12. These are so cute, can't go wrong with a bee mani x

  13. This is so clever, I love it so much hahah. Bee Day!


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