
Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Digit-al Dozen: 5 Days, 5 Continents South American Artist

Greetings and Nailutations,

It is Day 2 of the Digit-al Dozen and from yesterday we are traveling south to South America!  I was taken with some art work by Colombian born artist Omar Chacon.  He has artwork where we drips acrylic paint on wax paper, allows it to dry and then pulls it up and places the circles and ovals over each other to create a colorful, neat layered look.  My mani is inspired by Coachi (also if you click on the link you will not only see the art work but see how much it costs to own one of these bad boys).

Now let's get to the details!

Products used:
Bliss Polish: every polish in the Bliss Basix Collection
Drip Drop Nail Paint - Tighty Whities, Yoga Pants
Glisten and Girl - HK Girl Top Coat

I started with a bare nail (well, I had base coat).  I used 3 different size dotters and rotated through 16+ polishes dotting like a mad woman.  I never thought I would be tired of dots...yah - I hit the limit in this mani.  After 3,573,532 dots...I asked my husband to start beating on drums to help me with  my dotting pace (like marching).  So I didn't see the whole mani come together until the very end and WOW!  I was so pleased, I just had to be patient.

I love how these portraits look from both far away and up close.  There is so much going on and you realize how much time was spent to create the art work (and from experience on the mini mani scale, I can attest to the time).  Are there any things that you enjoy doing that you have to be patient for the end result?  Let me know below!

Don't forget to check out the other manis from the creative minds of Digit-al Dozen members.

Happy Polishing,
Kristi aka BeginNails


  1. Beautiful mani. Really I can realise that how much time consumption to create any art work.

    1. Thank you so much! It did take way longer than I thought it would take. LOL

  2. Wow that's pricey! That said, given how long it takes to do dots on just nails, I can only imagine how long it takes to do a large piece! Great inspiration and love how it turned out!

    1. Thanks Jen! Yes, that price had my eyes going like saucers.

  3. OMG Yes!! SO MUCH YES! This is gorgeous!!

  4. I love this look! You always find inspiration in neat places.

  5. These are sooo neat! Love how unique and colorful they are!

  6. OHHHH MYYYY. I feel like this would have taken me five hundred hours. It looks awesome.

  7. What a fun and intricate, but relative simple manicure! I love it! It looks so good, I need to pull my dotting tools out!

  8. I am absolutely obsessed with this! GORGEOUS!

  9. THESE ARE SO FUN! I love this look so so so much, oh my gosh!

  10. I like seeing nail art inspired by other artists.

  11. Your dots have dots that have dots! This is way too amazing and I would never want to take it off!

  12. This is so great. I recognized it immediately, well done.

  13. Oh wow, this is such a fun look! Love it!

  14. Wow! These are intense and I love it!


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