
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

3 Empties: Carven Le Parfum, L'Occitane Shampoo and Conditioner and Ole Henriksen Mask

Greetings and Nailutations,

It's another installment of 3 empties, where I review 3 products I have used up and express my opinion on how well they worked, how they smelled, their packaging and if I'd make a repeat purchase.

Now let's get to the empties!

The first products that I used up were a shampoo and conditioner pair from L'Occitane.  I love this travel size duo.

Scent: soft sweet powdery floral, it's difficult to describe.  I love this scent.
Feel: Hair feels clean.
Packaging: plastic travel size with flip top cap.  
Buy Again: Yep!  L'Occitane is my jam!  I was just there this weekend and picked up some new goodies!

The next product is a perfume from Carven called Le Parfum.  I love travel/trial size sampler perfumes because I enjoy wearing a new scent every day.

Scent: I can copy what the site says - but what I smell is clean floral with a focus on jasmine!  (By the way our huge jasmine bush is ready to bloom outside!  I'm hoping it stays cool in the upper 80's so that at night we can open the front door and smell the fresh flowers!)
Feel: it's perfume, so I can say it makes me feel fresh and clean!  haha
Packaging: teeny sampler
Buy Again: I have a ton of perfumes to try, but I'm definitely adding this to my list of full sizes to buy in the future.

The last product is Ole Henriksen Truth Sugar Glow Polishing Mask.  I got this in a kit with a ton of Ole Henriksen products which I ordered from Sephora.  I love trying out masks and one of my sisters mentioned that she loved some of the OH products - so I moved this puppy to the front of my "try" list for skin care.  It is applied to clean damp skin and left on for 5-15 minutes, then rub product into your skin.

Scent: Fresh orange - like full on peeling an orange and rubbing that scent all over yourself.  (I love citrus - so I was feeling it!)
Feel: semi thick serum with coarse sugar crystals.  I only used this once a week due to the coarseness of the particles.  The odd thing is that the crystals were few and far between - I expected more of them to get a full scrub.  I did have to moisturize good after use or my skin would be a bit dry.
Packaging: screw top lid.  Isn't the best packaging if you don't like dipping your fingers into "clean" product.
Buy Again: While post use my skin was smooth and refreshed - I will pass.  I didn't notice a brighter glow to my skin and the coarse crystals were a little too harsh on my aging skin.

Have you tried any of these products?  Did you have different experiences with them?  Do you put date of purchase on your products?

Happy Emptying,
Kristi aka BeginNails


  1. Great empties! They all sound lovely! I hate when I have something really expensive finish up though! LOL! :D

    1. Right? It's like that special thing is all gone.

  2. Good job on the empties! I stopped doing mine due to lack of time, but hopefully I'll be able to finally post one this month.

  3. I made a goal last year to go through my perfume samples and I have like 2 left. Feels so good!

    1. WOW! So impressive...I haven't really bought any new in a long time. I should probably keep it like that too. haha

  4. I looove jasmine so I should check out that perfume!

  5. I didn't know L'occitane makes shampoo and conditioner! They are my jam too and I want to try them. I want to try that scrub, too!

    1. They have quite a few different shampoo/conditioners scents/types. :)

  6. Nice empties post! I now want to try the shampoo & conditioner from l'occitane :)

  7. Ahhhh, empty post!!! One of my favorites!!!! I really want to try the shampoo and conditioner, they sound awesome!!!

    1. They really are. It's one of my favorite scents.

  8. I would love to try those hair products! My hair never seems happy lately.

  9. Great review. I was hoping you were going you loved the sugar scrub but I see it's not the case! It sounded great!

    1. It may just be my aging skin that can't handle it. :)

  10. The mask sounds nice but it sucks that it was too harsh & didn't work well for you!


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