
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Rainbow Splatter

Greetings and Nailutations,

It's February 1st, which means a new A Weekly Dose of Rainbows prompt!  This month the theme is splatter!  I've only tried splatter once before and I've tried using a bobby pin and it worked "ok."  This time I wanted to try another technique for splatter.  What exactly did I use?  An old TOOTHBRUSH! I didn't want to get polish all over my splattering hand, so I looked for a latex glove and realized all we had was vinyl gloves (my husband has them for administering topical medicine to our cat which impacts humans).  FYI - POLISH AND VINYL DO NOT MIX!!  Haha, oops - evidently I wasn't paying attention in chemistry....or maybe it was the glass of wine?

Products used:
Drip Drop Nail Paint - Yoga Pants
K*Sea Gale's Nails - Seven Grandfathers Teachings Collection (press sample)
Dream Polish - Gem Glam Top Coat (press sample)

The rainbow prompts are once a month, come join us!

For me, the splattering is a little to subtle and the bobby pin worked a lot better.  In the future I won't attempt toothbrush splattering.  I would have liked to see a strong splatter effect.  Also...does anyone else see the splatter that looks like an animal or it just me?

Happy Polishing,
Kristi aka BeginNails


  1. I really like the subtle look of this splatter! As for an animal, maybe a horse....

    1. Thanks Jen - it's definitely 4 legged, it was like seeing animals in the clouds for me. :)

  2. I don't see an animal but I do like the mani! So pretty.

  3. These are fun - the one place I love using a toothbrush is for water spotting and that gives a splatter-y look too. You drip the polish onto water like for a marble and most people say to spray it with hairspray or perfume, but that didn't work for me - splattering it with a toothbrush dipped in acetone worked way better.
    Have you tried using a straw for splatter nails?

    1. Oooh, good idea about the toothbrush for water spotting! I did find an older brand of hand sanitizer in a spray bottle that works amazing - but when that runs out I'll have another option! I released we only had large straws and it didn't work as well. I think I need those little coffee straws to get a good effect.

  4. I'm actually liking the subtle splatter. Reminds me of a marble counter top or something.

  5. I've never heard of a splatter method with a bobby pin, but I like how it worked for you! I did it with a straw once and I spent more time cleaning it up than anything else.

  6. Ooohh I like this! I think it does look like a dark marble. Really pretty!

  7. I once tried the toothbrush splatter too. It was a disaster.

  8. While this doesn't necessarily look like a splatter, I think it still turned out very pretty.

  9. This splatter looks really pretty on that base polish x

  10. Oh these are fun! I quite like the subtlety of it, but I agree - more splat would be fab too! x


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