
Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Digit-al Dozen: Black Dotty Lace

Greetings and Nailutations,

I'm brining you another freehand design with Digit-al Dozen theme of black.  I wanted to created a delicate lace design with dots.

Products used:
Esmaltes de Kelly: Black Soap Bubbles
Drip Drop Nail Paint: Yoga Pants
Heather's Hues: Heart of the Matter, Top That Top Coat

I was forcing myself to experience visible nail line again - I feel like I'm showing off my tan lines...oh wait, I don't tan!  haha  I love the pattern this creates and I definitely want to try it again.

I then had to see what it looked like with matte top coat.  I prefer it mattified!

Thanks for visiting and be sure to check out the manis below!

Happy Polishing,
Kristi aka BeginNails


  1. I wish I could show my naked nail more! It's so badly stained though and looks awful! I think your nails look great "naked"

    1. It's only because my nails are naked all week! I only paint on the weekends. When I had them constantly painted that is when they were orange-yellow.

  2. I always feel weird having naked nails in art but it always looks fab when you do it!

  3. Ohh, you're so brave for showing that much "naked" nail! I love how these turned out! My nails are way too stained to pull off anything like this.

  4. I love this look, and I really like the pattern you created for your dotted lace!

  5. Wow! So delicate! Beautifully done! And I agree with Cheyenne, your nails look great naked ;) Mine are too stained for so much nudity ;)

  6. This turned out super cool. You'll kick butt this week with this theme!

    1. Thanks Emily! I forced myself to stay with only blacks - it was super hard.

  7. I love this! The lace designs are so cute. I also feel weird sometimes about visible nail lines. I always equate it to seeing my bra through my shirt.

    1. HAHA! Sheer clothing is in now, but yah - I wouldn't ever wear a sheer shirt. I'm too old for that.

  8. I hear you on VNL; I don't mind looking at it on other people but cannot stand it on my nails!

    1. Plus i have one nail bed that is super short compared to the others, so the free edge is a lot longer on that nail so that the overall length is the same.

  9. This is so freaking sexy and beautiful! Love it!

  10. I really like the concept you have here -- and the matte top coat really sealed the deal for me.

  11. I really like how this turned out, it's really cool!

  12. This is such a beautiful mani, it works so well x


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