
Sunday, January 1, 2017

Rainbow Celebration of New Years

Greetings and Nailutations!

My first blog post of the New Year!  I have a few resolutions for my blog.  I'd like to incorporate more nail art into my blog.  I'd also like to rely less on stamping and push myself to do more free hand.  So to start off the New Year I have a nail art post!  I'm attempting to participate in a few nail art challenges and today I am combining 2 themes: New Year's for the A Weekly Dose of Rainbows Challenge and Celebration for the 30 Days of Colour Challenge.  Links included if you are looking for some nail art groups!

Products used:
Drip Drop Nail Paint - Yoga Pants (base)
Clear Jelly Stamper - stamper, clean up brush, latex barrier (press sample)
MPolish - Vacation Collection, To Have and To Holo
Vivid Lacquer - VL015 Plate
Dream Polish - Gem Glam Top Coat (press sample)

I started with a base of Yoga Pants and double, triple stamped the MPolish Vacation Collection as well as To Have and To Holo with VL015 plate.  I just kept stamping different colors until it suited me.  :)  I really love how this turned out!

What do you think?  Are you creating any resolutions for the new year?  I always try to select a few that are reachable (lose 10 lbs, run constantly for 3 miles, do 10 real push ups) and then a few that really push me (lost 15 lbs, run constantly for 5 miles, do 25 real push ups).

Be sure to check out the other blogs below for the 30 Days of Colour Challenge.

Happy New Years!
Kristi aka BeginNails


  1. Gorgeous, I love the color underneath the black.

  2. Big fan of rainbow fireworks! So pretty!

  3. I think this is the most beautiful New Year's mani I've seen. Good luck with all your resolutions. I'm a runner too, and I've been running for more than 25 years. My goal is to run tomorrow

    1. Awesome! I love running. I tried to train for a half marathon and ended up once I hit 10 miles in the training - a fractured heel! :(

  4. This is absolutely beautiful! Can't say I have any really solid resolutions for the next year, maybe more nail art.

  5. Such a cute manicure for the season, I love it! I love using black in a manicure, but am always afraid it will just look goth. With the added sparkle and color, I think this is the perfect way to mix things up!

    1. Goth - I love that you said that. I was chatting with my sisters about my niece and I asked if she was goth and my niece (13) says "what's goth?" LOL, evidently it's called EMO now. LOL

  6. I'm definitely not trading in stamping for free hand this year, especially since I already paint with my non dominant hand! I look forward to seeing what you come up with this year!

    1. Don't get me wrong - i LOVE stamping with a passion. I just need to go more outside the box. Try new techniques...(and then add stamping!) haha.

  7. I love this mani! You are so good at double (or more) stamping!

  8. This is absolutely stunning. ;) Love how the stamping came out and so vibrant over the black. This is my kind of mani.

  9. Wow!!! I love how vibrant this turned out!!!! Just gorgeous!!!

  10. Oh wow, I love the colours in this!

  11. So gorgeous! A great polish design to start the new year.


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