
Friday, January 13, 2017

Digit-al Dozen: 90's Alternative Plaid

Greetings and Nailutations!

It is the final day for the Decades prompt with the Digit-al Dozen.  I am ending the week with 90's.  What do you think of with 90's?  Did you say alternative music?  Grunge?  Then ding-ding-ding, that is what I was thinking too!  I lived in Washington state (near Seattle) during the 90's and experienced full on local artists of Nirvana and Pearl Jam.  I wore in high school plaid and I was lucky enough to have 2 sisters where we could all share each other's clothes, so really I had 3 wardrobes worth of plaid.

Now let's to the mani!

Products used:
Lemming Lacquer: This Life Can Turn a Good Girl Bad and Dimensionally Transcendental
Drip Drop Nail Paint: Yoga Pants
Painted Polish: Deux
Clear Jelly Stamper: stamper and clean up brush
It Girl Nail Art: IG104 Plate
Vivid Lacquer: VL015 Plate
Dream Polish: Gem Glam Top Coat (press sample)
Heather's Hues: Heart of the Matter

Here is the mattified version.  I'm feeling the mattified version - it made me almost feel like I want to buy some plaid and wear it....I said ALMOST.  :)

So are you feeling 90's grungy plaid, or are you feeling lumberjack?  Meh, either will work.  haha!

I hope you have enjoyed this week as much as I have and the rest of the Digit-al Dozen.  See below for more manis!

Happy Polishing,
Kristi aka BeginNails


  1. LOVE this! I really need to try some plaid nails!

  2. Good choice with the plaid, love these!

  3. Plaid! I love me some plaid! Haha I own a good chunk of plaid shirts I love to wear with leggings haha

    1. I love that it is back - I have about 4 new ones I bought w/in the last few months. They are so comfy.

  4. Great choice with the plaid! Very 90s
    Tracy xx

  5. I wore SO many plaids in these colors back in the '90s! This is beautiful.

  6. I love doing plaid nails. This is awesome matte

  7. I LOVE THE 90S and I LOVE this mani!!

  8. I love plaid! The girly plaid blouses they have now look great with tights and boots. DO it! I like the colours you chose too.

    1. I have quite a few plaid shirts now - they styles are great!

  9. Loving the plaid even though I don't own any!

  10. These turned out so perfectly!! Your stamping is always flawless!

  11. I really love these matte, your stamping is perfect x

  12. These are gorgeous i love plaid when it is mattified x

  13. I love all kinds of plaid manis and this one is awesome, esp. matte!


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