
Friday, November 4, 2016

Nail Crazies Unite - Coffee

Greetings and Nailutations,

The blog is morphing - don't worry nothing scary, but I'm going to start adding more nail art!  Be prepared for my off the grid interpretation of some fun themes for the Nail Crazies Unite group!  It is a group on Facebook (as well as Instagram) where every other week we focus on a theme to post (blog and/or photos).  This week it is coffee!  Be sure to check below at the end of the post for other amazing blogs with the same theme!

Now lets get to the mani!

Products used:
Pure Nail Lacquer - Flawless
ZoDi Polish - Hot Chocolate
Dream Polish - Gem Glam Top Coat, Gem Block Liquid Latex (press samples)
Clear Jelly Stamper - Stamper, clean up brush (press samples)
Winstonia - W204 Plate
What's Up Nails - Watermarble Tool

Middle Finger - Hot Chocolate, at work they offer free hot chocolate and when I need to feel more alert, I will grab a bit of hot chocolate while my co-workers and I head downstairs to the cafe.  I use the coffee cups and feel like an "adult" but inside the cups screams - "I'M STILL A KID AT HEART!"

Ring and Pinky Fingers - I love the gorgeous designs that some baristas do of foam in lattes, so I water marbled with Flawless from Pure Nail Lacquer and Zodi's Hot Chocolate.

Pointer - I rarely drink coffee (1x every few months) and the pointer finger shows how crazy I get when I do - I feel like I'm vibrating!!  Haha!  Seriously though - I can't drink coffee...or I start to annoy myself!

What do you think?  Did I succeed?  If you love participating in blog link ups or nail art challenges be sure to check out Nail Crazies Unite on Instagram and Facebook!  And don't forget to look below for other links!

Happy Polishing,
Kristi aka BeginNails


  1. Oh how fun!! I loved/love this coffee theme! Super fun and right up my coffee loving alley! :)

    1. I love the smell of it and I love the taste when its made into ice-cream! :)

    2. Yes to both!!! :) <3 Coffee in pretty much anything!

  2. don't worry. I drink enough coffee for us both!

    1. HAHA! When family visits I alway ask what coffee they need and they are like "don't you have some?" I tell them they need to give me specifics or I will get them decaf. They quickly learned to give me the EXACT brand and type. haha

  3. Pretty! I think it is perfect to use watermarbling to create a foam pattern!

    1. :) I've seen some of the artistic looks those baristas use and I am amazed!

  4. That watermarble is perfect for this mani. Adorable.

  5. I love this! The water marble is perfect!

  6. OMG, your swirly nail looks drinkable!

  7. I love the caffeine vibration nail, haha! I used to be like that with coffee but not so much Amy more.

  8. Mmm what a gorgeous, yummy manicure! Makes me want a latte!

  9. I love your concept! Caffeine keeps me awake forever so I can only have one cup of coffee in the morning and that's it. Otherwise I feel the way your pointer finger looks!

  10. Such a gorgeous mani hun, it's making me want a hot chocolate x


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