
Sunday, October 30, 2016

3 Empties: Cuticula Nail Tape, Dior Eye Makeup Remover and Thann Hand Wash

Greetings and Nailutations,

It's another installment of 3 empties, where I review 3 products I have used up and express my opinion on how well they worked, how they smelled, their packaging and if I'd make a repeat purchase.

Now let's get to the empties!
First item is Cuticula Nail Tape in the scent of Pumpkin Pie.  Cuticula is a scented latex barrier that is used to place on your skin for easier clean up during nail art (which can be messy).  I received this as a press sample last fall and finally used it all up!

Scent: soft pumpkin pie spice scent after drying.  The scent lingered on my fingers once removed as well!  Delicious!
Feel: dries quickly which is nice to be able to continue with nail art 
Packaging: mini nail polish bottle with brush.  
Buy Again: Because regular latex doesn't have the most appealing scent, scented latex is the way to go (if you are not allergic)!  This was just a mini and I would definitely look into buying a full size should I need some.  She is always coming out with new scents for each season and they always have fun water decals that come with them.

Next is Dior eye make up remover, which I got in a Dior gift bag that my husband got me.  I don't typically purchase luxury items because I'm always wondering if the price tag is equal to the performance.  

Scent: light clean sweet scent
Feel: made me feel like I was rubbing lots of money on my face!  haha, just kidding - it made my face feel like a million bucks!  haha again with the jokes!  I used it with a cotton ball and my make up melted right off!
Packaging: Sample size.
Buy Again: I would love to use this on a regular basis - it was effective and required 1 maybe 2 passes to remove my make up.  If I always had extra money to spend on this - yes, I would pay for this product.

The last product is a liquid hand wash I picked up while staying at a hotel.  I'm one of those people that keeps all the products at the hotel in the room.  The brand is called Thann and carries skin care items that are accompanied with aromatherapy properties.

Scent: The hand wash is aromatic wood with notes of orange and tangerine.  It gave me energy and made me feel awake.  I would not recommend it if you are prone to migraines or headaches.  The first time I used it I did have a headache and the scent made it worse.
Feel: Thann hand wash has a gel like formula and it lathered up nicely.
Packaging: smalls travel sized container
Buy Again: No, I would pass - while the scent was energizing, it was a little too strong for my liking.

Have you used any of these products?  Did you experience the same?

Happy Emptying,
Kristi aka BeginNails


  1. You know I've never used a high end makeup remover, some things I'd rather buy a my budget.

    1. This was my first time - would it happen again, probably not unless it's part of a gift set (that I can't refuse!). :) Usually I use soap and water! haha

  2. Replies
    1. <3 Yes - My faves are from Cuticula and Dream Polish

  3. Pumpkin Pie scented nail tape?! I'm intrigued!

    1. :) It does not TASTE like pumpkin

  4. I'm allergic to latex so I can't use the nail tape, unfortunately. The Dior eye makeup remover sounds fantastic, and I bet you imagined wiping dollar bills on your face! Ha!

    1. Bummer - luckily Ellagee has non latex form - I'm sure you knew that already though. :) And yes....about the Dior eye make up remover - i'm a soap and water girl unless i have something from a subscription box.

  5. Replies
    1. So much better than the smell of latex...regular latex smells evil and up to no good.

  6. I always love an empties post! Seeing what fellow bloggers use up and what they thought about the products is super helpful.

    1. I agree! I've bought so many new hair products from posts like this!

  7. What???? There's scented liquid latex?? How did I not know this??

    1. YES! Both Cuticula (on etsy) and Dream Polish ( make them!

  8. Ha ha ha.. I love your description of the Dior- it felt like I was rubbing lots of money on my face. I have never tried a High End Makeup Remover for the face, just some for eye makeup. But I can totally see how it would feel like money wasted for sure. I totally love the empties posts!

    1. Right? It's not staying on my face like make up would so it definitely felt more wasteful.

  9. I love reading empties posts! Like you, I got an expensive makeup remover from the SO (Lancome) but I haven't used it up - I'm "saving" it because it's that expensive, LOL. Meanwhile, I make do with micellar water.

    1. HAHA! Right? It's like saving that fancy bottle of champagne or wine....for the special occasion.

  10. I love the idea of scented liquid latex!

    1. Totally - it made using it a much more pleasant experience.

  11. A shame about the hand wash smell giving you headaches. It would most definitely give me one. I'm really sensitive to scents.

    1. Oh - then STAY FAR AWAY!!! The bad thing is that even when I didn't have a headache it made me feel nauseated because the first time I used it it made my headache so much worse. But I wanted to use it up....and i'm a glutton for punishment.

  12. Hah, I take the bath products from hotels too. Gotta make up for the lame hotels that don't give them to you, right? Sorry that one was overwhelming. As for the high-end makeup remover, I love to splurge on the Lancome Bi-Facil remover, but when I'm poor I go for the Neutrogena knock off and every time I use it, it feels like what could have been.

    1. Yay! I seriously have 2 grocery bags full of bar soap! HAHA!

  13. Latex changed my nail game! I dreaded stamping and water marbling before it!

  14. Oh my gosh, a latex barrier that smells like pumpkin?? Yes please! Totally buying this when I need a new one!

    1. :) There are a few brands that offer scented Dream Polish and Cuticula! Love them both!

  15. Great line up! I need to check out the Dior!

    1. LOL - My husband asked if it was really better and I'm like - YES, but do I want to spend that much money? there a price on feeling like a million bucks?? haha

  16. That nail tape sounds lovely, a great scent for autumn x


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