
Monday, August 22, 2016

It Girl Nail Art IG112 Plate Manis Part 1

Greetings and Nailutations,

*Press Sample*
Today I will be sharing the first half of the manis I've done with It Girl Nail Art IG112 Plate.  This is probably my favorite plate from It Girl Nail Art that I've received - the images are simply adorable!  All the images picked up well - I do recommend using a squishy/sticky stamper for the fine line images instead of a clear stamper.

Now let's get to the manis!

First mani I decided to double stamp the adorable glasses over Alter Ego Body Care Products, Clear As A Summer Sky.  I struggled with getting the images to line up perfectly - but I still loved how these turned out.  The image picked up perfectly with Drip Drop Nail Paint Tighty Whities and Yoga Pants and a Clear Jelly Stamper!  It's all topped with shiny top coat.

Next mani has one of my favorite images!  I rarely wear heels, but who says I can't wear them on my finger nails?  I used Creative Cuticles Nail Polish 2nd Wind and stamped with MPolish Apricot Delight and a Clear Jelly Stamper.  I added a stiletto charm from Hex Nail Jewelry.  Everything is topped with a shiny top coat.

How about some adorable bows?  This next mani I used Pipedream Polish Peaches Be Trippin' (that name! haha) and stamped with Drop Drop Nail Paint Yoga Pants and a Clear Jelly Stamper.  I added some charms from Daily Charme and topped with all with a shiny top coat.

Next is a mani using the feather images.  This used a base of Drip Drop Nail Paint Fancy That and I stamped with Jenna Hipp's American Pie and topped with all with a shiny top coat.  Subtle stamping that aligned with the soft images of feathers.

The last mani I will be sharing today is using the floral image.  The base is Polish My Life Marigold Delight and I stamped with Girly Bits Cosmetics Cobalt and a Creative Shop Stamper from What's Up Nails.  I added a few rhinestones to give it a little extra bling.  Mani is topped with a shiny top coat.

Shiny Top Coat: Gem Glam Top Coat - Dream Polish
Latex Barrier: Gem Block Liquid Latex - Dream Polish

Loves:  My favorite images are the stiletto heels and the glasses!  They create such fun looks.  I love the ease of stamping with these images.  I already ordered the other new release plates!!

Wishes: I wish I had used a sticky stamper on a  few of the fine line images so they looked a bit better.  I also wish my new plates were already here!  haha

Stay Connected:

What image is your favorite?

Happy Polishing,
Kristi aka BeginNails


  1. These manis are amazing. Seriously can you come and do my nails. xo

  2. My favorite is definitely the glasses - but they all look great!

  3. OMG the glasses! HOW ADORABLE!!!! I wish I were better at stamping - you did such a lovely job on all your manis! <3

  4. omg the glasses are the best! 4eyes4life!

  5. I love the double stamp with the glasses! These are awesome!

  6. This is the cutest plate ever! The bow rope is my favorite design, but I love the look you did with the heels! You always give me stamp envy.

    1. This is my fave plate she has released so far! Awwww, thanks!

  7. The little glasses are adorable!

  8. Great manis! I love them all I can't pick a favorite.

  9. Love this!! These are seriously awesome

  10. So many cute images! Your manicures are all fabulous!!

  11. Beautiful manicures hun I love the different looks you created x


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