
Tuesday, July 5, 2016

3 Empties: Dream Polish Cuticle Oil, Simple Make Up Remover Wipes and Bath and BodyWorks Hand Sanitizer

Greetings and Nailutations,

It's another installment of 3 empties, where I review 3 products I have used up and express my opinion on how well they worked, how they smelled, their packaging and if I'd make a repeat purchase.

First up is Dream Polish Gem Glow Cuticle Oil in the sent of Hawaiian Orchard.  I received this as a Press Sample from Dream Polish.  I used up every last drop of this product as the applicator and product were both amazing.

Smell Test:  Hawaiian Orchard is scented with tropical fruits with floral notes.  
Feel Test: kept my cuticles hydrated and moisturized
Packaging Test: click pen, easy to use and travel with (I kept it in my purse)
Buy Again:  yes - I have a ton of oils and love Dream Polish products

Next product is Bath and BodyWorks PocketBac in the scent of Noel.  I had bought this a few years ago (during a huge sale) and it took a while to get through them.  

Smell Test:  scent of vanilla, that remained on my hands after use

Feel Test: product was originally in gel form, but either time or temperature caused it to become more liquidy....but it still worked for the most part.
Packaging Test: I love the little containers, perfect to carry in my purse or attach to my backpack with one of the clip on products that Bath and BodyWorks carries 
Buy Again: Of course!  These little mini hand sanitizers are the PERFECT holiday (Christmas) gift for my co-workers.  I can help keep them all un-germy which in turn helps keep me un-germy.  haha!

The last product was a 3-pack of Simple Make Up Remover Wipes that I picked up at Costco.  Simple advertises as the sensitive skin experts.  Overall the product meshed well with my skin.

Smell Test:  They were intended to be unscented but they smelled like medicine or a hospital...I didn't care for the scent.

Feel Test: loved how well it cleaned off my make up and left little behind
Packaging Test: easy to pull 1 wipe from the package and none of them dried out.
Buy Again: I didn't care of the scent, so I would pass on purchasing these again.

Have you tried any of these products?  What are your thoughts?  And if you love reading about empties, be sure to check out the links below!

Happy Polishing,

Kristi aka @BeginNails


  1. It's been a while since I've liked a Simple product. I just finished their Miceller water and hated it! It did nothing to remove my makeup and was more frustrating than anything!

  2. My Simple wipes have never had a fragrance. I recently finished a pack and have another waiting. I guess I'll have to take more notice.

  3. OMG I totally feel you on the simple micellar pads. They totally have a scent and I could have sworn they are supposed to be unscented.

  4. I love empties posts! The cuticle oil sounds lovely :)

  5. I have the Simple wipes too...they are just ok.

  6. I haven't tried any of these but I love makeup wipes and cuticle oil pens.

  7. I go through cuticle oil like there's no tomorrow. I think that is my most frequent empty.

  8. Well done on the empties! I love Simple Wipes - they're the gentlest of them all.

  9. Every year I stock up on the Vanilla Bean Noel lotion, my favorite!!! <3

  10. I've never seen these simple wipes! Too bad about the scent though

  11. Vanilla Bean is one of my all time favorite Bath & Body Works scents. I love having these little purse size anti-bacs.

  12. Man, I used to be in love with those B&BW antibac gels. They irritated my hands and I stopped using them, but I do miss them! Well done on the empties. :)

  13. These all look really good especially the cuticle oil x


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