
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

3 Empties: Dream Polish Gem Glam Top Coat, Fortune Cookie Hand Sanitizer and O.P.I. Avo Juice

Greetings and Nailutations,

It's another installment of 3 empties, where I review 3 products I have used up and express my opinion on how well they worked, how they smelled, their packaging and if I'd make a repeat purchase.

Now let's get to the reviews!

The first product is my go to top coat, Gem Glam Top Coat from Dream Polish in the scent of Tropical Mojito.  This scent was part of the tropical scents that came out and I received it as a press sample.  They all take me away to a tropical paradise - isn't it crazy how scents can trigger memories?

Smell Test:  Tropical Mojito - hints of lime, notes of sweetness and mint (I'm also using the Tropical Mojito cuticle balm right now too!)
Feel Test:  dries fast and doesn't smear my nail art
Packaging Test:  comes in a bottle with a flat brush
Buy Again:  yes, of course!  I also finished up another bottle recently, which will be in the next 3 Empties post.

The next product is OCD Hand Sanitizer from Fortune Cookie Soap in the scent of Mele Kalikimaka (Merry Christmas in Hawaiian).  I received this in the 2014 Winter Box.  I utilize hand sanitizer quite a bit (touching stair rails, menus at restaurants, and elevator buttons) especially when there are colds going around at work.

Smell Test: I really enjoyed this scent: rum, tropical flowers and a bit of vanilla.  I also love that after using it, you can smell the scent on your hands for quite a while after.
Feel or Look Test:  Clean, refreshing and smells great
Packaging: I love the easy to carry container and the flip lid.
Buy Again:  Yes!  I have 2 or 3 others sitting in my medicine cabinet waiting in line to be used!

The last product is a O.P.I. Avojuice hand and body lotion in the scent of Mango.  I bought a 6 pack of 1 ounce lotions and have been really pleased with all of them so far.

Smell Test:  juicy sweet mango, almost like a fruity candy
Feel or Look Test:  moisturizing and absorbed into my skin quickly
Packaging: came in a 1 ounce plastic bottle with a flip top (easier to control what I use)
Buy Again: YES!  Really happy with all of the Avojuice scents!

Have you tried any of these products?  What are your thoughts?

Happy Polishing,
Kristi aka @BeginNails


  1. I love this idea!!!! Hearing how you feel after using something long term is great!! Also, scented top coat?! Yes, please!!!!

  2. This is such a fun idea. I love the AvoJuice lotions and that scent sounds great!

    1. I've loved all the scents I have tried so far and the product is great too!

  3. Great review! I haven't tried any of these but I'm interested in the top coat.

    1. If you like super sweet, she has a special scent this month of jelly bean. It's a little too sweet for my liking, but it is one of the most popular scents from a previous exclusive box. I think my top 2 from her are "clovers & grass" earthy clean scent, "melon baller" watermelon.

  4. I really like AVOJuice too! I like the strawberry best!

    1. I don't think my 6 pack came with that scent! :( But now I need to go hunt it down. :)

  5. I haven't tried any of these except for the AVO Juice a long time ago. I never bump into it when shopping so I forget about it.

    1. I think the only place I've seen it is Ulta, but I don't have one near to me. :(


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