
Friday, January 8, 2016

3 Empties: Nails Redesigned Sugar Scrub, CND Scentsations Lotion and KB Shimmer Mani Shot

Greetings and Nailutations,

It's another installment of 3 empties, where I review 3 products I have used up and express my opinion on how well they worked, how they smelled, their packaging and if I'd make a repeat purchase.  It's been some time since I have done one, so expect a few over the next 2-3 weeks to catch up on my box of empties that has been piling up!

Now let's get to those empties!

The first product is Gingerbread Sugar Scrub from Nails Redesign's nail care line called Calm Your Tips.  This was a press sample I received when reviewing some of her new products.

Smell Test:  one word - YUM!  Seriously, this is one of the best smelling sugar scrubs - gingerbread cookies!
Feel Test fine sugar with nourishing oils - LOVE, during the winter months, this is one of my favorite scents of all time.  It makes me feel warm and cozy.
Packaging Test:  small tub, which was used up quite quickly
Buy Again:  I actually bought a huge tub at an event where I met the owner Sara in person!!

The next product I used up was a lotion from CND called Scentsations in the scent of Citrus and Green Tea, which I believe I got in a mystery bag from some vendor.

Smell Test:  fresh, clean and nice
Feel or Look Test:  absorbed quickly into my skin, didn't leave a greasy residue
Packaging: Came in a 2 fl oz flip lid plastic container, which I prefer for small lotion
Buy Again:  Yes, but I'm not sure where this brand is normally carried since I got it in a mystery pack.

The last product is a mani shot in the scent of Pink Sugar from KB Shimmer.  A mani shot is a product that is placed in warm water, allowed to dissolve and then you soak your hands in it.  It contains oils and other soothing botanicals to help moisturize and soften your skin and cuticles.  

Smell Test:  sweet, but not over powering
Feel or Look Test:  soothing oils help moisturize your skin
Packaging: it came in a 1 oz plastic "condiment" tub, a little difficult to release from tub which did end up cracking
Buy Again: Yes!  There are a ton of scents and I like that she comes out with new scents for the seasons.

Have you tried any of these products?  What are your thoughts?

Happy Polishing,
Kristi aka @BeginNails


  1. I have 2 kb shots I still haven't tried yet!! I keep forgetting I have them lol

    1. LOL! I have a ton, I need to use them more. :)


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