
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

It's My 2 Year Blog-Aversary! PRIZES INSIDE!

Greetings and Nailutations,

I am celebrating 2 years of blogging this month (and I'm really close to hitting 20k on instagram) and some amazingly sweet and generous brands are helping me celebrate by donating prizes to my #BeginNailsBlogAnny.

All entries shall be through rafflecopter.  Prizes and the post to share will be on instagram under #BeginNailsBLOGANNYRULES

Brands who are donating:
CDB Lacquer
Dream Polish
Drip Drop Nail Paint
GG Indie Polish
Girlosity Cosmetics
Heather's Hues
Joha's Love Nail Polish
Nails Redesigned
Super Nails

I am donating products from a few other indie brands that I have purchased myself, which will be revealed on instagram throughout the giveaway.

Requirements: must be 18+, US address.


  1. Congratulations on 2 Years of Blogging! I truly is an accomplishment. Thank-you for this super fun chance too. :)

  2. Congratulations on your 2 years! Awesome Giveaway Thank You For The Chance!


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