
Friday, April 24, 2015

3 Empties: Smokey Mountain Lacquers Cuticle Oil, Fortune Cookie Soap Company Whipped Cream and Sunny's Body Products Sugar Scrub

Greetings and Nailutations,

It's another installment of 3 empties, where I review 3 products I have used up and express my opinion on how well they worked, how well they smelled, their packaging and if I'd make a repeat purchase.

*Press Sample*
The first product I used up is a cuticle oil I received from Smokey Mountain Lacquers.  Kim's (owner of SML) cuticle oil contains all the essential oils needed to moisturize your cuticles, skin around your cuticles and nails.  I received a polish bottle full (0.5 oz) of unscented cuticle oil.  When I first received it, I reviewed my first impression and I loved it aside from the packaging (I'm clumsy, so I prefer spill proof packaging).  Kim was quick to start carrying it in handy spill-proof applicators and also sells it in several scents as well!  I ended up placing the cuticle oil in a travel applicator and kept it at my desk for handy use!

Smell Test: Unscented - which was a nice change, so I could enjoy the scent of my hand lotions without the "scent fighting" between lotion and cuticle oil.
Feel Test: absorbed quickly and left my nails and skin soft and looking healthy!
Packaging Test: originally the polish bottle was too large and the brush applicator was stiff, now she has a roll on applicator that makes it perfect for keeping in your purse, backpack or pocket!
Buy Again: YES!  But I want to try some of her scents!  Especially vanilla!!  YUM!

The next product I used up was sample size of Whipped Cream  from the Winter Box from Fortune Cookie Soap Company.  I received in my box the scent of Jello Surprise (this box was inspired by National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation).  The lotion was like whipped lotion, nice and thick and moisturizing.  It went on great and was used up so quickly that I had to buy a larger 8oz container!

Smell Test:  Fruity sweet scent, loved it!
Feel or Look Test: great texture, like whipped lotion
Packaging: Since it was a sample size, I can't complain too much...but I would have loved larger container!  haha
Buy Again: YES!  I loved the texture so much, I ordered a full size in a different scent to try it out!

The last product I used up was a sugar scrub from Sunny's Body Products.  Her products come in at least 400 scents.  The one I used was in the scent of Sparkling Snowflakes.  It had a clean, minty scent which I LOVED!  It made my hands feel refreshed!  I also LOVE that her sugar scrub is made with fine sugar.  Most sugar scrubs seem to be too harsh to use daily, but Sunny's sugar scrub can be used daily without damaging my hands.

Smell Test: YUM!  clean, crips, fresh with a hint of mint
Feel or Look Test: Left my hands soft and moisturized
Packaging: Comes in 2oz container with a small plastic spoon to get the perfect amount.
Buy Again: YES!  I have at least 4 in my hand care basket!  No other scrub has met the quality of Sunny's.

Have you tried any of these products?  Did you have similar or different experiences than I did?

Happy Polishing,
Kristi aka @BeginNails

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