
Monday, January 19, 2015

3 Empties: Dream Polish Top Coat, Luscious Potion Bath Bomb and Sake Bomb Shampoo and Conditioner

Greetings and Nailutations,

It's another installment of 3 empties, where I review 3 products I have used up and express my opinion on how well they worked, how well they smelled, their packaging and if I'd make a repeat purchase.

First product is my trusty Gem Glam Top Coat from Dream Polish in the scent of Peach.  If you follow me on instagram, you'll know that most of my manis are topped with Gem Glam Top Coat.  I thought Summer Melon was my favorite scent, but Peach has moved into #1!  Gem Glam Top Coat always seems to come out with cutting edge scents.

Smell Test: LOVE!  It has a soft sweet peach scent.
Feel Test: super shiny and long lasting
Packaging Test: one of my favorite things about Gem Glam Top Coat is the wide brush, allows me to quickly add a top coat  (this was actually in mini size, so it was used up in a few weeks!)
Buy Again: of course, I am currently stocked up with a few in my drawer of top coats!

Luscious Potion (previously made indie polish) has expanded to body care products.  I purchased some products and was happy to get them because the box smelled delicious!  The product I'm reviewing today is the Black Raspberry Vanilla Artisan Bath Bomb.  It was quite large and beautifully shaped like a flower.  It fizzed up in my bath and actually made the entire master bathroom smell wonderful for a few days!  It left my skin glowing and moisturized too.

Smell Test:  One of my favorite combo scents.  Not over powering and sweet and cozy.
Feel or Look Test: Fizzed perfectly and dissolved easily.
Packaging:  Came in a plastic baggy with the ingredients clearly marked (which I love)
Buy Again:  YES!  I'm testing out some other products of hers as well.

The last product is Sake Bomb Shampoo and Conditioner, which I picked up at Sephora.  I originally bought the shampoo and conditioner because I wanted to try a dry shampoo which came in a pack with the wet shampoo and conditioner.  (Of course I haven't tried the dry shampoo yet!)  I fell in love with this shampoo and conditioner.  I have very coarse frizzy hair which gets curly if it air dries and this product left my hair soft.  

Smell Test: Loved the smell, it was soft and floral with a sweetness to it.  
Feel or Look Test: Made my hair silky and smooth.
Packaging: Easy to pop up dispense (which I prefer over screw caps).
Buy Again: YES!  I need to head back to Sephora with some gift cards and buy a larger size.

*Photo courtesy

Have you tried any of these products?  Did you have similar or different experiences than I did?

Happy Polishing,
Kristi aka @BeginNails

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