
Saturday, November 1, 2014

3 Empties: Dream Polish Cuticle Balm, Sassy Polish Scrubs Sugar Scrub and Younique Daily Moisturizer

Greetings and Nailutations!

I bring today another installment of my 3 Empties!  Three beauty related products that were used up! Today I am including a "beauty" non-nail product because....why not?  :)  As always, please let me know if you have tried any of these products and what your impression was of them.

First is Dream Polish Gem Glow Cuticle Balm in the scent of pink sugar.  I initially reviewed Dream Polish and gave my first impressions in a previous blog post.  I didn't use this product as a cuticle balm.  The formula was a bit too hard for me to utilize on the cuticles (I prefer oils or soft formulas).  I did however use it all up in a different manner.  I live in the dry desert of Arizona and often times my hands are very dry at the end of the day.  I would take the Gem Glow Cuticle Balm and place it all over my hands and then throw on a pair of cotton gloves that I sleep in.  Several times I went to bed with peeling skin and woke up to fresh, mended, sweet scented hands.
Smell Test:  sweet scent, not over powering
Feel Test:  too hard for cuticle balm, so it was used as a moisturizing balm on my hands and worked great.
Packaging Test:  Love the packaging, easy to hold and take anywhere.
Buy Again:  I wouldn't buy it for the sole purpose of my cuticles, but I'd like to keep one on my night stand for dry hands.  (Currently using the Fresh Peach scent one now.)

Next is Sassy Polish & Scrubs Melon Ball Sugar Scrub (which my tub actually calls it Watermelon Jolly Rancher...I'm assuming name change is due to copyright infringement).  I ordered this when I received a blogger code for reviewing polishes and decided to try out a sugar scrub.  You get an 8oz tub (which is quite large).
Smell Test:  delicious scent...I really wanted to taste it because it really did smell like watermelon candy
Feel Test:  since the tub was so large, the oil used in it all went to the bottom, so the product at the top of the tub was very dry (like sand) and the product at the bottom was very wet/oily.
Packaging Test:  packaging is a tupperware container with a sticker.  Would like to see something that keeps the product in a smaller container so that it is consistent throughout.
Buy Again:  I did like the scent, but the overall product should be in a smaller container to keep product uniform in appearance and use.  I will pass on purchasing this product in the future unless packaging changes.
Photo Courtesy of Sassy Polish & Scrubs

The last product I have to share today is not nail related, but it is beauty related.  I used up a new face moisturizer and love it so much, that I wanted to share.  It is Brilliant Daily Moisturizer from Younique.  My younger sister is a presenter, so I decided to try out some of the products.  I've been very impressed with all of them so far.  (Younique sells the 3D fiber lashes that are really hot right now as well.)
Smell Test:  I described the scent to my sister as "Earthy dirt" and she laughed at me, then she tried it herself and said "I get what you mean."  To me the scent isn't flowery or full of perfume, you are smelling the natural products that are in the moisturizer. (ginseng, pearl powder, silver)
Feel Test: most moisturizers I use leave my face oily and I wake up to an oily face.  With the use of Brilliant, my face is clean in the morning, my face absorbs the product and I'm not left with a greasy face!
Packaging Test:  the packaging threw me off for a bit at first.  It comes in a jar, with "pearls" of moisturizer or beads.  You are provided a scoop and directed to scoop out 2 beads along with the surrounding gel.  Then apply the mixture to your face and neck.  It is kind of a science experiment.
Buy Again:  Yes!  Just received my 2nd jar!

Have you tried any of these products?  What were your experiences with them?

Happy Polishing (and Moisturizing!),
Kristi aka @BeginNails


  1. I feel the same about the Dream Polish. I have it in Jasmine...I'll have to try the all over hand method!

    1. It works like a charm with the cotton gloves. :)


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