
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Love, Angeline's Rainforest of the Sea Collection Swatches and Review Part 1

Greetings and Nailutations,

Today I have half of the Love, Angeline Rainforest of the Sea Collection.  There is a total of 10 polishes, so only 5 will be shared today and another five at a later date.  When I heard the collection name I thought of bright brilliant colors and that is exactly what this collection contains.

Let's get to some swatches!

First up is Sea Urchin, a purple-blue glitter jelly.  The jelly contains green, magenta, blue and lavender circles as well as turquoise hexes in 2 sizes.  The jelly was a bit sheer and in the minis the glitters required fishing.  Photos show 2 coats with both a shiny and matte topcoat.

Next is Coralline, a micro glitter bomb.  Neon pink and and yellow micro glitters are packed into this polish.  I loved the look of these micro glitter bombs and 2 generous coats provided complete opacity.  Photos show 2 coats over a yellow undie and shiny topcoat.

Spawning Sponge is next, a glitter topper containing neon green, blue and white hexes in 2 sizes.  The color combination is great, my only struggle was the desperate glitter fishing that had to be done, which is why the photos below show a glitter gradient (my patience was wearing thin).  Photos show glitter placed individually (yes, practically each piece) over a light pink (Pink Ferrari from Drip Drop Nail Paint) undie.

Titallating Tentacles is another glitter topper.  Titallating Tentacles contains red circles and small hexes as well as blue hexes in 2 sizes.  This glitter topper had slight glitter fishing and photos show 2 coats over a mint undie and shiny topcoat.

Lastly is Plankton, another micro glitter bomb.  This was my favorite of the 5 in this blog.  The effect of the neon blue and green micro glitter in the polish is amazing.  Photos show 2 coats over a light pink, however Plankton is opaque in 2 generous coats and a shiny topcoat.

 Loves: Fun theme, bright colors, different textures (micro glitter bomb, glitter topper and glitter jelly) are some of the things I love.  I am always a Love, Angeline fan.

Wishes: I wish there was more glitter in the glitter toppers so that there was less fishing for glitter.

Love, Angeline
Instagram: @loveangelinepolish

Happy Polishing,
Kristi aka @beginnails

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