
Monday, January 6, 2014

Painted Polish Review

Greetings & Nailutations,

This blog review is on a new-to-me indie brand that I was able to get a deal on during the Black Friday craziness.  :)  I can't resist an indie sale!  It is my kryptonite!  This indie brand is called Painted Polish (IG: @paintedpolishbylexi) and is 3-Free (no Dibutyl Phthalate, Toluene, or Formaldehyde).  Many indie brands are 3 free, so I was happy to add this brand to my collection.  Painted Polish can be bought here: Painted Polish  (I am drooling over her Hunger Games Collection!)

Now let's get to some swatches!

The first is called It's So Sparkly & well….it is!  Think of a super glitter bomb containing silver, turquoise, pink and lavender glitter and that is what you have when you apply It's So Sparkly.  Every direction you look at it, it shines in your eyes!  The only way this polish won't live up to it's name is if you are in a total pitch black room.  Haha!

Next up is Enchanted Embers, which is a black jelly with red circles, hexes, orange & gold hexes.  This one is part of the Halloween duo.  I am one who loves a black jelly especially when the glitters have a color scheme to it & this one does not disappoint.  When I stare at this polish I see a campfire at night, as it is slowing burning out….the glowing embers sparkling, twinkling like fireflies.

The third polish is called Day of the Doctor, named for Dr. Who fans.  It is a blue jelly with different blue hex glitters.

Next is a glitter topper called Pretty in Pink.  It contains light pink & black circles, black diamonds and small black and pink glitters.  Below I have it over a very light pink base.  I adore circle glitters, so I was very excited to throw this puppy on.

Lastly I have Neutron, a micro glitter topper containing royal blue and silver holo.  Below I have it over a very light blue base color and the ring finger is a glitter gradient.  I really liked this one, the micro glitters give it a neat effect.

Pros:  Variety of polish types: glitter bombs, glitter toppers, glitter jellies (and even glitter crellies in her Hunger Games collection), all formulas were great and easy to apply.
Cons: none!  Although, some may say that being sold out of the Hunger Games collection is a con.  :)

I am excited to have tried Painted Polish & am enjoying my journey through trying indies, as I hope you are too.  I will have to add this brand to my list of loved ones.

Happy Polishing,
Kristi aka @beginnails

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